地狱醒龙 In Hell

黑狱风云 / The Savage
剧情 / 动作 / 惊悚 / 
美国  英语 / 
尚格·云顿 / 
林岭东 / 
2024-05-26 05:05:23
为报杀妻之仇,凯尔(尚格·云顿 jean-claude van damme 饰)当庭打死了收买法官而被判无罪的凶手。事后凯尔被判终身监禁,羁押于俄罗斯的“科拉瓦维”监狱。这是一座极其腐败的监狱,监狱长不但想法设法从犯



为报杀妻之仇,凯尔(尚格·云顿 jean-claude van damme 饰)当庭打死了收买法官而被判无罪的凶手。事后凯尔被判终身监禁,羁押于俄罗斯的“科拉瓦维”监狱。这是一座极其腐败的监狱,监狱长不但想法设法从犯人身上搜刮钱财,而且组织罪犯进行格斗比赛来取乐和赌钱,凯尔因抵触监狱长的恶行屡次被关禁闭。面对残酷的现实,为了能够生存下去,凯尔最终参与到这场游戏当中,成为监狱里的格斗王,沦为监狱统治者谋取利益的工具。狱友比利(克里斯·莫伊尔 Chris Moir 饰)的死让迷失自我的凯尔醒悟过来,在室友“野蛮人”的帮助下,他们开始了一项复仇计划…… Kyle LeBlanc is an American working overseas in Russia. When he hears his wife being attacked over the phone, Kyle rushes home to find that he's too late. The man who killed his wife is found not guilty on lack of evidence. So Kyle takes the law into his own hands, and kills the man to avenge his wife's death. He is sentenced to life in prison without parole. The Russian prison he is sent to is tough, and the warden amuses himself by putting on fights where he fills his pockets with money by betting on the fights. Kyle begins to break and go crazy, so he is forced into these fights because the warden knows he is a sure thing. Kyle's cellmate 451 begins to make him think what he fights for. With that, Kyle knows now he must fight another battle: the fight for inner peace. It is the only way he can become the man he once was. 来拍影视为您提供2003年由尚格·云顿主演,林岭东导演的《地狱醒龙》/原名《In Hell》/又名《黑狱风云 / The Savage》剧情,动作,惊悚电影在线观看完整版,《地狱醒龙》百度云网盘资源以及《地狱醒龙》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《地狱醒龙》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

