革命之路 Revolutionary Road



当他们第一次见面,他是高谈阔论的有志青年,她是向往成为名演员的未来之星。而如今,婚后的他们变了。他变成了在公司做不喜欢工作的无聊上班族,她成了不入流的糟糕演员。在一次演出后,丈夫弗兰克(莱奥纳多•迪卡布莱里奥饰)与妻子爱波(凯特•温斯莱特饰)大动肝火,两人多年的积怨终于爆发。莫非婚姻真的躲不过七年之痒?悲痛的爱波整理照片,发现弗兰克年轻的照片,想起他曾经描述的“美好的巴黎”,她提出了一个计划“全家搬到巴黎”,以拯救这个家庭。但是,这看似遥不可及的计划,却成为了催化剂,将两人推向婚姻更痛苦的深渊。 It's 1955. Frank and April Wheeler, in the seventh year of their marriage, have fallen into a life that appears to most as being perfect. They live in the Connecticut suburbs with two young children. Frank commutes to New York City where he works in an office job while April stays at home as a housewife. But they're not happy. April has forgone her dream of becoming an actress, and Frank hates his job - one where he places little effort - although he has never figured out what his passion in life is. One day, April suggests that they move to Paris - a city where Frank visited during the war and loved, but where April has never been - as a means to rejuvenate their life. April's plan: she would be the breadwinner, getting a lucrative secretarial job for one of the major international organizations, while Frank would have free time to find himself and whatever his passion. Initially skeptical, Frank ultimately agrees to April's plan. When circumstances change around the Wheelers, April decides she will do whatever she has to to get herself out of her unhappy existence. 来拍影视为您提供2008年由凯特·温丝莱特,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,克里斯托弗·菲茨杰拉德,尼尔·布莱德森,马琳·爱尔兰,萨曼莎·索尔,山姆罗森,大卫·哈伯,凯瑟琳·科廷,凯西·贝茨,理查德·伊斯顿,凯瑟琳·哈恩,佐伊·卡赞,迪伦·贝克,基思·雷丁,芮安·辛普金斯,泰·辛普金斯,马克斯·凯塞拉,麦克斯·贝克,杰伊·桑德斯,迈克尔·珊农,Jason Etter,Kal Thompson,Racheline Maltese,文斯·佐丹奴,克里斯汀·康奈利,约翰·贝尔曼,Dan Burkarth,大卫·坎贝尔,彼得·康博伊,戴维·基尔,乔西格里赛迪,Zoe Hartman,Amy Mielke,Cristina Marie,Sean Marrinan,Timothy McCartney,亨尼·罗素,乔纳森·伊冯主演,萨姆·门德斯导演的《革命之路》/原名《Revolutionary Road》/又名《浮生路(港) / 真爱旅程(台) / 革命路》剧情,爱情电影在线观看完整版,《革命之路》百度云网盘资源以及《革命之路》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《革命之路》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

