人生七部曲 The Meaning of Life



关于宗教的故事——失业的天主教徒唱着“每颗精子都是神圣的”,把一屋四五十个孩子送去做医学实验,因为再也负担不起他们,而对门的新教夫妇一面幸灾乐祸,一面感叹自己“只性交两次,有两个孩子”;关于性的故事——教授在课堂上向学生讲解“性”是什么,但是学生总不得要领,无奈之下,教授把自己太太拉过来当堂向学生示范;关于死亡的故事——死神来到一个农舍,声言要带走所有人,但这里聚集了许多美国朋友,不但毫不在意,还热情地邀请他喝酒聊天,让死神忍无可忍……人生七部曲,七个沉重的话题却放入足够荒诞的故事,嬉笑怒骂讽刺世间百态。 Why are we here, what's it all about? The Monty Python-team is trying to sort out the most important question on Earth: what is the meaning of life? They do so by exploring the various stages of life, starting with birth. A doctor seems more interested in his equipment than in delivering the baby or caring for the mother, a Roman Catholic couple have quite a lot of children because 'every sperm is sacred'. In the growing and learning part of life, catholic schoolboys attend a rather strange church service and ditto sex education lesson. Onto war, where an officer's plan to attack is thwarted by his underlings wanting to celebrate his birthday and an officer's leg is bitten off by presumably an African tiger. At middle age a couple orders 'philosophy' at a restaurant, after which the film continues with live organ transplants. The autumn years are played in a restaurant, which, after being treated to the song 'Isn't It Awfully Nice to Have a Penis?' by an entertainer, sees the arrival of an extremely fat man. He can eat a lot, but also throw up quite copiously. The Grim Reaper brings for the final stage of human life, death, a visit to a mansion, where the people are rather interested in him. But life doesn't stop at death. It's onto heaven, where it's always Christmas. 来拍影视为您提供1983年由格雷厄姆·查普曼,约翰·克里斯,特瑞·吉列姆,艾瑞克·爱都,特瑞·琼斯,迈克尔·帕林,卡萝尔·克力夫兰,西蒙·琼斯,帕特里夏·奎因,朱蒂·罗,Andrew MacLachlan,Mark Holmes,Valerie Whittington,Jennifer Franks,Imogen Bickford-Smith,George Silver,Sydney Arnold,安德鲁·比克内尔,Ross Davidson,Myrtle Devenish,Eric Francis,马特·弗里沃,Len Marten,Cameron Miller,Larry Noble,Leslie Sarony,约翰·斯科特·马丁,简·丽芙丝主演,特瑞·琼斯,特瑞·吉列姆导演的《人生七部曲》/原名《The Meaning of Life》/又名《脱线一箩筐(台) / 万世魔星:生命的意义 / Monty Python's The Meaning of Life》喜剧,歌舞电影在线观看完整版,《人生七部曲》百度云网盘资源以及《人生七部曲》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《人生七部曲》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

