最终兵器:弓 최종병기 활

弓箭之战(台) / 最强武器:弓 / War of the Arrows / Arrow, The Ultimate Weapon
动作 / 历史 / 
韩国  韩语 /  /  / 满语 / 
金韩民 / 
2024-05-26 04:05:11
本片以“丙子胡乱”为背景。   十三年前,忠臣崔平良以“叛逆”罪名遭到灭族,其一子


本片以“丙子胡乱”为背景。   十三年前,忠臣崔平良以“叛逆”罪名遭到灭族,其一子一女南伊(朴海日 饰)与慈仁(文彩媛 饰)侥幸逃脱,崔平良力战至死。南伊带着父亲的弓箭和嘱托,和妹妹投奔父亲至交金武善一家。时光荏苒,1636年,金武善之子瑞俊向慈仁求婚,因父亲遭遇而消极度日 的南伊深感作为崔家后人身份敏感,欲拒绝这门亲事,无奈瑞俊一片诚意和金武善力主,崔、金两家喜结良缘,然而在大婚当日,后金入侵朝鲜。不久朝鲜仁祖投降称臣,瑞俊和慈仁被满族军队掳走,拥有出众射术的南伊自此沿路追踪,伺机搭救亲人,而南伊神出鬼没的狙杀与跟踪,亦引起了满族弓骑兵大将的注意…… Two children Nam-yi and Ja-in are being chased by King Injo's guards and saved by their father Choi Pyeong-ryung, an officer of King Gwanghae and a skilled archer. He sends his own children to find a place of refuge with his best friend Kim Mu-seon. As they escape crying, Ja-in begs her brother to go back to their father but their father is killed in front of Nam-yi. Nam-yi, though bitten by the guard dogs, kills them and escapes with Ja-in. Nam-yi becomes the only family Ja-in has. 13 years later Nam-yi is now a skilled archer and hunter. He learns from Mu-seon's son Seo-goon that he and Ja-in plan to get married, with the approval of Mu-seon who is also Ja-in's godfather. During the wedding, Nam-yi is up in the mountains hunting deer. He hears the rumble of the invading forces. When Nam-yi makes it back to the village, he finds his step-father slaughtered and his sister taken away. Nam-yi then sets out to find the Qing army and take out their army with his bow. 来拍影视为您提供2011年由朴海日,柳承龙,大谷亮平,文彩元,朴基雄,金武烈,李汉伟,李璟荣,朴努植主演,金韩民导演的《最终兵器:弓》/原名《최종병기 활》/又名《弓箭之战(台) / 最强武器:弓 / War of the Arrows / Arrow, The Ultimate Weapon》动作,历史电影在线观看完整版,《最终兵器:弓》百度云网盘资源以及《最终兵器:弓》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《最终兵器:弓》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

