因爱之名 The Boxer

敢爱敢斗 / 拳击手
剧情 / 运动 / 
美国   英语 / 
吉姆·谢里丹 / 
2024-05-26 04:05:45
丹尼(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)曾是一名热血沸腾的革命青年,因为加入了北爱尔兰共和军而遭到了逮捕,艰苦的牢狱生活一过就是十四载。终于熬过了漫长的不自由的时光,重回社会的丹尼决定洗心革面


丹尼(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)曾是一名热血沸腾的革命青年,因为加入了北爱尔兰共和军而遭到了逮捕,艰苦的牢狱生活一过就是十四载。终于熬过了漫长的不自由的时光,重回社会的丹尼决定洗心革面,做一个低调的普通人。   出狱后的丹尼重拾旧业成为了一名拳击教练,培养了一批和他一样热爱这项运动的年轻人。一场意外让丹尼和曾经的恋人玛姬(艾米丽·沃森 Emily Watson 饰)重逢了,此时的玛姬,独自一人抚养着十四岁的儿子林恩,日子过得十分艰辛。旧日爱情的火花在丹尼和玛姬之间死灰复燃,然而,曾经灰暗的过去亦让丹尼充满了犹疑和怯懦。 Nineteen-year-old Danny Flynn is imprisoned for his involvement with the I.R.A. in Belfast. He leaves behind his family and his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Maggie Hamill. Fourteen years later, Danny is released from prison and returns to his old working class neighborhood to resume his life as a boxer, fighting and opening a boxing club training aspiring boxers. Maggie has since married Danny's best friend, who is also imprisoned for his I.R.A. activities. Although he has not denounced the I.R.A. or denigrated his I.R.A. colleagues, Danny has decided to live a life free of political violence. His boxing club is nonsectarian, open to both Catholics and Protestants. This move irks some of his old I.R.A. colleagues since they feel working with the Protestants will not resolve their David versus Goliath struggle. Danny's old I.R.A. colleagues, especially their unofficial leader Harry, resort to traditional tactics of violence to stop Danny. Maggie's father, Joe, also an I.R.A. activist, does not condone the violence against Danny as he is working through peaceful means to free I.R.A. prisoners (including Maggie's husband), but also does not want Maggie to resume her past relationship with Danny, a man who he sees as having no future. Amidst this turmoil, Danny and Maggie dream of a life together, also taking into account Maggie's wedded status and the feelings of her teen-aged son, Liam. [Originally by: Huggo] 来拍影视为您提供1997年由丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯,艾米丽·沃森,David Hayman,布莱恩·考克斯主演,吉姆·谢里丹导演的《因爱之名》/原名《The Boxer》/又名《敢爱敢斗 / 拳击手》剧情,运动电影在线观看完整版,《因爱之名》百度云网盘资源以及《因爱之名》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《因爱之名》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

