蝎子王2:勇士的崛起 The Scorpion King: Rise of a Warrior

The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior / Scorpion King - Aufstieg eines Kriegers / The Scorpion King: Rise of the Akkadian
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2024-05-26 06:05:40
在两河流域的古国阿卡德,黑蝎子战士是最菁英的国王御前武士。阿沙是黑蝎子中的佼佼者,阿沙为了维护13岁的儿子玛沙亚斯(Michael Copon 饰),开罪了将军萨贡。掌握黑暗魔力的萨贡驱使毒蝎将阿沙杀害。玛沙亚斯怀着


在两河流域的古国阿卡德,黑蝎子战士是最菁英的国王御前武士。阿沙是黑蝎子中的佼佼者,阿沙为了维护13岁的儿子玛沙亚斯(Michael Copon 饰),开罪了将军萨贡。掌握黑暗魔力的萨贡驱使毒蝎将阿沙杀害。玛沙亚斯怀着为父报仇的决心加入了黑蝎子行列。六年后,成为黑蝎子佼佼者的玛沙亚斯荣归故里,等待着他的却是仇人萨贡取代老王成为国主。萨贡为考验玛沙亚斯的忠诚,令其杀死亲弟,玛沙亚斯奋起反抗,终不敌萨贡的魔力,逃出阿卡德。   玛沙亚斯幼年好友莱拉(Karen Shenaz David 饰)追随他上路,二人远赴埃及,寻找能破解萨贡的神之武器,他们要面对的,是吃人的怪兽米诺陶和非人力所能探晓的冥界…… In Ancient Akkad, Mathayus grows up as the proud son of Ashur, a captain in the world-renowned military corps of Black Scorpions, first-rate bodyguards, most of which are sent to courts wide away. By objecting to young Mathayus joining the corps, Ashur incurs the undying enmity of ruthless generalissimo Sargon, gets killed and the orphaned knave is shipped off to a desolate training camp for six years by king Hammurabi's clemency. When he returns as a Black Scorpio, Sargon has bloodily seized the throne and demands cruel proof of blind loyalty. Mathayus refuses, becoming a chased hero. With youth friends, the resourceful Greek Pollux and various mercenary warriors, he embarks on a daring quest to obtain a legendary sword from Sargon's magical ally, the war-goddess Astarte. 来拍影视为您提供2008年由迈克尔·科彭,凯伦·戴维,Simon Quarterman,汤姆·吴,安德雷斯·魏斯涅夫斯基,兰迪·库卓,娜塔莉·贝克尔,杰里米·克鲁齐利,Shane Manie,Peter Butler,Chase Agulhas,Pierre Marais,Warrick Grier,泰瑞·诺顿,Az Abrahams主演,拉塞尔·穆卡希导演的《蝎子王2:勇士的崛起》/原名《The Scorpion King: Rise of a Warrior》/又名《The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior / Scorpion King - Aufstieg eines Kriegers / The Scorpion King: Rise of the Akkadian》动作,奇幻,冒险电影在线观看完整版,《蝎子王2:勇士的崛起》百度云网盘资源以及《蝎子王2:勇士的崛起》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《蝎子王2:勇士的崛起》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

