枪心剑刃 ガン×ソード

枪与剑的血色传奇——《GUN×SWORD》,展现哥特式复仇之旅。   当邦与新娘还


枪与剑的血色传奇——《GUN×SWORD》,展现哥特式复仇之旅。   当邦与新娘还沉浸在婚礼带来的喜悦中时,一场突如其来的意外将邦立刻从天堂打入地狱——心爱的女人被一个拥有钩手的男人暗杀!陷入巨大悲痛的范四处打探消息,一个人开始了漫长的复仇旅程。在一次无意的偶遇中,邦邂逅了正义感十足的少女温蒂。温蒂的开朗个性和灿烂笑容都让范感到惊讶。其实温蒂是为了找回失踪已久的哥哥才踏上旅途的,虽然目的并不相同,但是都对未来毫无线索的两人还是决定结伴同行。开始了在遥远未来的沙漠星球上的无尽旅行…… Van, a lanky and apathetic swordsman, is on a journey to kill the murderer of his fiancé. The only characteristic he has to go by is that the murderer has a claw for an arm, hence the murderer being referred to as The Claw Man. During his travels, Van happens to pass through the city of Evergreen, which is defending itself from bandits who aim to rob the city of its treasury. It is in this city that Van meets Wendy Garret, a timid young girl who is looking for her kidnapped brother. When the city pleads for Van's assistance to defend it, he refuses, claiming it has nothing to do with him and thus leaves the city on its own to deal with the peril. Soon after, Van comes across the raiding bandits himself and they eventually tick off the swordsman to a degree where he takes action against them for his own personal vendetta. Surprisingly, Van learns that the bandits had ties with The Claw Man, and in kidnapping Wendy's brother for a reason they did not disclose. After the bandits are ... 来拍影视为您提供2005年由星野贵纪,桑岛法子,井上喜久子,保志总一朗,樱井孝宏,野田顺子,斋藤千和,大本真基子,真殿光昭,堀内贤雄,千叶纱子,银河万丈,二又一成,津久井教生,雪野五月,佐藤正治,屋良有作,山野井仁,宝龟克寿,古泽彻,田口昂,大泷进矢,岩田光央,冈和男,私市淳,江川央生,仓田雅世,百百麻子,岸野一彦,长嶝高士,三户耕三,清川元梦主演,谷口悟朗,三宅和男,秋田谷典昭,斋藤久,加藤显,石仓贤一,三好正人,久城理音,上坪亮树,松本佳久,北村真咲,西村大树,古川顺康导演的《枪心剑刃》/原名《ガン×ソード》剧情,科幻,动画影视在线观看完整版,《枪心剑刃》百度云网盘资源以及《枪心剑刃》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《枪心剑刃》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

