天降美食 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

美食从天而降 / 美食风球(港) / 食破天惊(台) / 多云,有时有肉丸雨 / 天降小肉丸 / 天上掉馅饼
喜剧 / 动画 / 奇幻 / 
美国  英语 / 
2024-05-26 06:05:32
在名为斯沃罗夫的小岛上,生活着一个名叫弗林德·洛克伍德(比尔·哈德 Bill Hader 配音)青年,他从小就想法多多,热衷各种各样的科学发明,比如不用鞋带的鞋子、能够自动行走的电视、飞行汽车、猴子语言翻译器等。想法


在名为斯沃罗夫的小岛上,生活着一个名叫弗林德·洛克伍德(比尔·哈德 Bill Hader 配音)青年,他从小就想法多多,热衷各种各样的科学发明,比如不用鞋带的鞋子、能够自动行走的电视、飞行汽车、猴子语言翻译器等。想法虽好,但通常都以失败和灾难告终。母亲生前对他的鼓励令弗林德从不灰心,他屡挫屡勇,在科学发明的天地里自得其乐。不过,老爸再也无法忍受儿子无休止的折腾,他要求弗林德在自家的店里帮忙。与此同时,为了解决当地食物匮乏的问题,弗林德偷偷进行着超级食物机的研究。在最新的尝试中,弗林德毁掉了刚刚揭幕的沙丁鱼乐园,不过他的实验也取得成效。众目睽睽之下,天空下起了令人难以置信的汉堡包雨!一切都变得有趣起来…… Flint Lockwood thinks he's a genius. But none of the things he invented are things that make sense or are useful. However, he has the support of his mother but when she dies, he's left alone with his father who thinks he should give it up. When the community that he lives in is in an economic crisis because their primary source of income, a sardine cannery, was shut down, Flint decides to try his latest invention, a machine that can turn water into food. But something goes wrong and the machine ends up in the atmosphere. Later it starts raining food. The shifty mayor tries to use this as a way to help their community, but when Flint senses something wrong with the machine, the mayor convinces him to ignore it. However, as Flint predicts, chaos ensues. 来拍影视为您提供2009年由比尔·哈德尔,安娜·法瑞丝,詹姆斯·肯恩,安迪·萨姆伯格,布鲁斯·坎贝尔,劳伦斯·特劳德,鲍比·J·汤普森,本杰明·布拉特,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯,阿尔·罗克,劳伦·格拉汉姆,威尔·福特主演,菲尔·罗德,克里斯托弗·米勒导演的《天降美食》/原名《Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs》/又名《美食从天而降 / 美食风球(港) / 食破天惊(台) / 多云,有时有肉丸雨 / 天降小肉丸 / 天上掉馅饼》喜剧,动画,奇幻电影在线观看完整版,《天降美食》百度云网盘资源以及《天降美食》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《天降美食》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

