水与糖:摄影家卡洛·迪·帕尔马的生活与色彩 Acqua e zucchero: Carlo Di Palma, i colori della vita

A look at the life and work of Italian cinematographer, Carlo di Palma.


A look at the life and work of Italian cinematographer, Carlo di Palma. The docufilm is not only the biography of the legendary cinematographer and director, Carlo Di Palma, but an emotional journey into the greatest moment of Italian Cinema. From the neorealism of Luchino Visconti, Vittorio De Sica, Roberto Rossellini, to Michelangelo Antonioni's "Blow Up" and "Red Desert" to the masterpieces of Woody Allen. Anecdotes, reflections and commentary by prestigious figures of world cinema such as Bernardo Bertolucci, Woody Allen, Wim Wenders, Volker Schlondorf and Ken Loach, accompany us on this fascinating voyage infused with the colours and vision of an Italian cinema that will remain forever in the annals of world cinema and the films of the great contemporary genius, Woody Allen. 来拍影视为您提供2016年由卡洛·迪帕尔马,卡洛·万齐纳,Valentina Di Palma,吉奥里亚诺·蒙塔尔多,克里斯蒂安·德·西卡,Citto Maselli,保罗·塔维亚尼,贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇,Marcello Foti,肯·洛奇,弗朗西斯科·罗西,维姆·文德斯,卡洛·利扎尼,Furio Colombo,Richard Peña,尼基塔·米哈尔科夫,米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼,布拉索科·朱拉托,贾科莫·斯卡尔佩利,里娜·韦特缪勒,莫尼卡·维蒂,埃托尔·斯科拉,吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼,米凯莱·普拉奇多,芭芭拉·阿尔贝蒂,恩丽卡·安东尼奥尼,伍迪·艾伦,桑托·洛奎斯多,亚历克·鲍德温,吉尔·雅各布,沃尔克·施隆多夫,迪特·考斯里克,迈克尔·包豪斯,阿贝尔·费拉拉,米拉·奈尔,Caterina Caselli,Roberto Cicutto主演,法里鲍兹·坎卡里导演的《水与糖:摄影家卡洛·迪·帕尔马的生活与色彩》/原名《Acqua e zucchero: Carlo Di Palma, i colori della vita》/又名《卡路狄庞马:生命的色彩(港) / 大师之眼—从安东尼奥尼到伍迪·艾伦(台) / Water and Sugar: Carlo Di Palma, the Colours of Life》纪录片电影在线观看完整版,《水与糖:摄影家卡洛·迪·帕尔马的生活与色彩》百度云网盘资源以及《水与糖:摄影家卡洛·迪·帕尔马的生活与色彩》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《水与糖:摄影家卡洛·迪·帕尔马的生活与色彩》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

