超级女英雄 Blubberella

喜剧 / 
德国   英语 / 
乌维·鲍尔 / 
2023-08-24 02:08:24




暂无简介 It's 1940 and the German army is oozing their ickiness across the European continent, indiscriminately slaughtering thousands. On the Eastern Front, a motley group of Resistance Fighters, led by Nathaniel (Brendan Fletcher) and "Vadge" (Willam Belli), struggle valiantly against the Nazi scourge. The German army, headed by the Commandant (Michael Paré), shadow puppet master, a mad, showtunes-singing Doctor (Clint Howard), and the newly-addicted-to-blood Lieutenant (Steffen Mennekes), threatens to eradicate the Resistance. But coming to the rescue is Blubberella. Half vampire, half woman, and all trouble, Blubberella loves nothing better than killing Nazis and a substantial turkey on rye. She has moved through the centuries destroying nasties and their like while perfecting the ultimate cotton candy recipe. Blubberella and the Commandant face each other in a rail car and after a unseemly exchange of bodily fluids, the Commandant becomes infected by Blubberella and, unknown to her, begins his transformation into a powerful day-walking vampire. Now Blubberella faces her greatest foe in her valiant struggle against tyranny and creatively used kitchen implements - a legion of undead Nazi soldiers and their ruthless leaders. Along the way she'll lock horns with her oppressive mama, cross-dressing resistance fighters, dodgy S&M games, and even Hitler and his mad boardgame-playing skills. Blubberella. She's coming big time. 来拍影视为您提供2011年由迈克尔·帕尔,林赛·霍利斯特,布莱登·佛雷切主演,乌维·鲍尔导演的《超级女英雄》/原名《Blubberella》喜剧电影在线观看完整版,《超级女英雄》百度云网盘资源以及《超级女英雄》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《超级女英雄》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

