小熊维尼与大风吹 Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day

动画 / 短片 / 家庭 / 
美国  英语 / 
2023-08-24 01:08:44



《小熊维尼与大风吹》是第2部迪士尼小熊维尼作品,同样是动画短片,并且在这部片子里,小猪和跳跳虎首次登场。该作品获得了奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖的殊荣。 Pooh is back and this time he's gonna blow you away! Almost literally! When Pooh's friend Gopher warns him that it's Winds-Day, Pooh goes off to wish Piglet a Happy Windsday, but Piglet is lifted into the air by the strong winds, Pooh grabs Piglet's sweater string and looks to be flying Piglet like a kite. They arrive at Owl's house, the wind blows it down and Owl inquires as to if Pooh did it. Eeyore agrees to find a new house for Owl, but one night, Pooh get's a visit from an unusual new friend- Tigger, a rambunctious tiger who likes honey but hates it just the same, and warns Pooh of Hefalumps and Woozels that steal honey! But Hefalumps and Woozels are only half of Pooh's worries now, for a huge rain storm has set on the Hundred Acre Wood. Everybody is swimming in their homes. Pooh inadvertently saves Piglet from a waterfall so they have a hero party. Eeyore then barges in and announces he has found a new home for Owl, unfortunately the house he found was Piglet's. But Piglet does a heroic thing and turns over his domicile to Owl, so they have a Two Hero Party and the storm dies down. At least until next Winds-Day. 来拍影视为您提供1968年由塞巴斯蒂安·卡伯特,斯特灵·哈洛威,约翰·菲德勒主演,沃夫冈·雷瑟曼导演的《小熊维尼与大风吹》/原名《Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day》动画,短片,家庭电影在线观看完整版,《小熊维尼与大风吹》百度云网盘资源以及《小熊维尼与大风吹》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《小熊维尼与大风吹》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

