Jimmie's Trick

喜剧 / 短片 / 
法国  未知
2023-09-06 01:09:16


《Jimmie's Trick》剧情介绍

暂无简介 The first scene of the film shows a little tea party, and our attention is at once drawn to the little spinster, Aunt Lizzie, and her pet dog. Under pressure of giving her dog a lump of sugar now and then, she manages to make quite a collection of these delicious morsels, which she slyly slips into her handbag. Jimmie, however, unknown to Aunt Lizzie, has seen her little by-play and determines to amuse the guests in a manner peculiarly his own. When his father asks him to entertain their visitors by singing one of his school songs, he answers that he would like to show them a little trick. Then, reaching for a piece of sugar which lay nearby on the table, he said: \"Nothing in my hands, and nothing in my pockets, and yet when I will place this one lump of sugar in Auntie's handbag, you will see that it will produce several more lumps of sugar.\" Of course, everyone appreciates the joke but poor Aunt Lizzie, but she is forced to let Jimmie try his little trick, and as he said, the magic lump of sugar produces several others of its kind in the spinster's handbag, and during the laughter of the other guests, she moves wrathfully away, vowing never to visit Jimmie's parents again. 来拍影视为您提供1911年由未知主演,路易斯·菲拉德导演的《Jimmie's Trick》/原名《》喜剧,短片电影在线观看完整版,《Jimmie's Trick》百度云网盘资源以及《Jimmie's Trick》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Jimmie's Trick》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

