Go! 公主光之美少女 Go! プリンセスプリキュア

GO光之美少女公主 / Go!Princess 光之美少女 / GO! Princess Precure / Go! Princess Pretty Cure
动画 / 
日本  日语 / 
2023-08-19 02:08:24


《Go! 公主光之美少女》剧情介绍

由朝日放送、旭通广告和东映动画共同出品的日本女童向变身英雄动画,从2004年开始,在朝日放送和朝日电视台每周星期日早上播出,截止到2014年播出已超过十年。系列动画属单元剧式作品,其中第一、二年与第四、五年分别在剧情、人物、世界观皆有延续的关系,而其他每年都是属于各自独立剧情。 A long time ago, a young girl named Haruka Haruno dreams on becoming a Princess like the ones in fairy tales. However, she is always being bullied by her classmates in kindergarten due to her dream. She later met a boy named Kanata who gave her a strange charm while having her promise to never give up on her dreams. A few years later, now 13 years of age, Haruka attends the Noble Academy boarding school while still cherishing her dreams of becoming a princess like one from her picture books. One day, she encountered two fairy creatures from the Hope Kingdom: Pafu and Aroma, who were followed by a strange man named Close. The fairies told her that he works for Dys Dark, lead by a witch named Dyspear who wants to bring despair to the world by locking dreams away in the Gate of Despair. With Haruka having no choice, the charm she had turned out to be a key and the fairies gave her a Princess Perfume, becoming one of the Hope Kingdom's chosen warrior: Cure Flora, a Pretty Cure to oppose Dys Dark. Later joined by Minami Kaido, Kirara Amanogawa and Towa Akagi; as Cure Mermaid, Cure Twinkle, and Cure Scarlet, Haruka forms the Princess Pretty Cure Team to collect Dress Up Keys needed to open the Gate of Dreams while protecting people's dreams from Dys Dark's forces. 来拍影视为您提供2015年由岛村侑,浅野真澄,山村响,泽城美雪,立花慎之介,东山奈央,古城门志帆,新谷真弓,甲斐田幸,榊原良子,真殿光昭,日野聪,井泽诗织,伊东美弥子,中务贵幸,松本保典,仪武祐子,松浦爱弓,大原沙耶香,兴津和幸,木下浩之,筱原惠美,佳村遥,水野理纱,桥本结,新名彩乃,安艺启子,阿部敦,矢作纱友里,田丸笃志,村田太志,泽田敏子,栗田舞,千菅春香,矢部雅史,植田佳奈,小林裕介,山崎巧,佐古真弓,阪脩,兴梠里美,坂本真绫,牧口真幸,藤田咲,雪野五月,清水香里主演,田中裕太,座古明史,三冢雅人,岩井隆央,芝田浩树,畑野森生导演的《Go! 公主光之美少女》/原名《Go! プリンセスプリキュア》/又名《GO光之美少女公主 / Go!Princess 光之美少女 / GO! Princess Precure / Go! Princess Pretty Cure》动画电影在线观看完整版,《Go! 公主光之美少女》百度云网盘资源以及《Go! 公主光之美少女》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Go! 公主光之美少女》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

