纽约,我爱你 New York, I Love You



数不尽的摩天大楼,看不完的车水马龙,这里便是不可思议的纽约。怀揣各种梦想的人们,来自不同地域,处于不同境遇,他们巧遇在街头的小酒馆,邂逅在街角的路灯下,因为好奇而交谈,因为寂寞而吸引,在那个充满巧合的城市,演泽着别样的风情与不同浪漫。   本片由12个小短片混剪而成,是继《巴黎我爱你》之后的第二部“爱情城市”系列电影。十二位导演用自己独特的视角重新造访这座城市,他们用自己独特的方式展示了对于纽约的原创性看法。制片埃曼纽班毕伊表示此系列电影还将继续推出,2010年他们的目标锁定里约热内卢和上海两座城市。 Eleven vignettes, all homages to New York City life, are presented. I. Ben, a pickpocket, is attracted to Molly on first sight, and gets into an interesting "pissing match" with Molly's married lover, NYU professor Garry. II. Mansuhkhbai, an orthodox Jain diamond wholesaler, and Rifka, an orthodox Jewish diamond retailer who is getting married tomorrow, learn that they have more in common than just diamonds. III. David, a musician and music editor for a video being directed by Abarra, is having problems meeting Abarra's demands while he slowly falls for Abarra's assistant, Camille, who he's never met but has only talked to on the telephone solely about work. IV. A young man believes he's made a powerful connection to a stranger, a young woman, in the simple act of lighting her cigarette, and proceeds to convince her of the same and as such that there is a future for them from that point on, and not at some unspecified time down the road. V. A high school senior, who has been dumped by his girlfriend just before senior prom, is given a gift by his local pharmacist, Mr. Riccoli, the senior not understanding the full implication of the gift until the full process of prom night is over. VI. Each on their way to their first official date together after what started out solely as a one night stand, Gus and Lydia each contemplate not keeping the date. VII. Isabelle, a retired opera diva, has returned to a hotel where she's stayed many times and where she has strong memories of encounters with a young bellhop. VIII. In brown skinned Dante and white skinned young adolescent Teya spending time together in a park, most outsiders see a manny and his charge, not realizing the true nature of Dante and Teya's relationship. IX. In questioning why one of her elderly Eastern European customers chose her as the wanted subject for his next painting, a young Chinese herbalist may be inspired to create some art of her own. X. Anna, who meets Alex by chance on the street each going about their individual business, asks him a question, she having an ulterior motive while expecting a totally different reaction from him contrary to her motive... maybe. XI. Abe and Mitzie are spending their 63rd wedding anniversary together, not always harmoniously. Interspersed between these eleven vignettes are even shorter ones, often tying together to another or to one of the eleven primary ones in some manner. 来拍影视为您提供2009年由海登·克里斯滕森,娜塔莉·波特曼,奥兰多·布鲁姆,克里斯蒂娜·里奇,李美琪,伊桑·霍克,克里斯·库珀,罗宾·怀特,安东·叶利钦,奥莉薇·瑟尔比,布莱德利·库珀,德瑞·德·玛泰,希亚·拉博夫,朱莉·克里斯蒂,约翰·赫特,泰勒·吉蕾,舒淇,乌吾尔·宇杰尔,埃里·瓦拉赫,克萝丽丝·利奇曼,安迪·加西亚,布蕾克·莱弗利,伊尔凡·可汗主演,法提赫·阿金,伊万·阿达勒,Randall Balsmeyer,艾伦·休斯,岩井俊二,姜文,谢卡尔·卡普尔,乔舒亚·马斯顿,米拉·奈尔,娜塔莉·波特曼,布莱特·拉特纳导演的《纽约,我爱你》/原名《New York, I Love You》/又名《纽约我爱你 / 我爱纽约 / New York, je t'aime》剧情,爱情电影在线观看完整版,《纽约,我爱你》百度云网盘资源以及《纽约,我爱你》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《纽约,我爱你》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

