
暂无简介 The story takes place in the future where war machines from evil mechanical alien empire Garufa finally reaches Earth. In order to protect earth, an Earth defense organization called GEAR (Guard Earth and Advanced Reconnaissance) is formed. GEAR has an ultimate weapon in a form of war mecha, GEAR Fighter Dendoh, which is piloted by two elementary school students, namely Kusanagi Hokuto and Izumo Ginga. Can the friendship between Hokuto and Ginga unleashed the full potential power of Dendoh in order to fight Garufa? 来拍影视为您提供2000年由松冈洋子,进藤尚美,三石琴乃,石村知子,西村知道,野岛健儿,芳野美树,高户靖广,加藤优子,根谷美智子,一条和矢,岸野一彦,铃村健一,中田和宏,速水奖,石冢坚,山下亚矢香,伊藤舞子,小粥洋子,小林由美子,福岛润,服卷浩司,河合义雄,北谷彰基,西松和彦,有岛茉由,户北宗宽,上别府仁资,牧岛有希,杉野博臣,长岛雄一,麻生智久,池田千草,石川大介,堀内洋平,金田朋子,角谷绫香,高桥美佳子,土屋美惠子,菊地祥子,长嶝高士,高桥广树,田中大文,三重野瞳主演,福田己津央,小原正和,小野学,菱川直树,山口晋,南康宏,川岛宏,高木茂树,高田昌宏导演的《GEAR战士电童》/原名《GEAR戦士電童》科幻影视在线观看完整版,《GEAR战士电童》百度云网盘资源以及《GEAR战士电童》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《GEAR战士电童》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

