

暂无简介 With the help of the singer and dancer Dixie Leonhard US-Entertainer Eddie Sparks wants to bring some fun to the soldiers during World War II. Becoming a perfect team they tour from North Africa to the Pacific to act for "the boys". Later they continue their work but when the author Silver gets involved into McCarthy's campaign and is being fired by Eddie, Dixie turns away from him, too. 来拍影视为您提供1991年由贝特·米德勒,詹姆斯·肯恩,乔治·席格,帕特里克·奥尼尔,克里斯多夫·莱德尔,阿尔耶·格罗斯,诺曼·费尔,罗斯玛丽·墨菲,巴德·约金,桃丽·布雷纳,Jack Sheldon,Karen Martin,Shannon Wilcox,迈克尔·格林,Melissa Manchester,Steven Kampmann,理查德·波特诺,Pattie Darcy,Jameson Rodgers,克里斯托弗·威尔金森,Brandon Call,Hayley Carr,约翰·奥莱利,Stewart J. Zully,Heidi Sorenson,布鲁斯·加里,安迪·米尔德,汤姆·艾德寇科思·埃尔南德斯,安德鲁·劳厄尔,比利·鲍伯·松顿,John Doolittle,萨尔·兰迪,罗伯特·克洛特沃西,托尼·皮尔斯,山德·贝克利,D·大卫·莫林,Walter C. Miller,Barry Michlin,玛姬理查德,大卫·鲍,威廉姆马奎斯,Fred Parnes,梅利莎·赫利,Raymond Rodriguez,George Atamian,Michael Boston,Ian Paul Cassidy,Kenneth Chamitoff主演,马克·雷戴尔导演的《昨日今日永远》/原名《For the Boys》/又名《龙凤双星》剧情,喜剧,音乐电影在线观看完整版,《昨日今日永远》百度云网盘资源以及《昨日今日永远》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《昨日今日永远》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

