迷失天使城 Land of Plenty

丰饶之地 / 富足之地 / 谜失天使城
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美国   英语 / 
维姆·文德斯 / 
2023-08-24 01:08:56
母亲去世后,拉娜(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)千里迢迢来到洛杉矶寻找自己的舅舅保罗(约翰·迪尔 John Diehl 饰),对于十八岁的拉娜来说,这趟旅程有着特殊的意义,它意味着拉娜必须



母亲去世后,拉娜(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)千里迢迢来到洛杉矶寻找自己的舅舅保罗(约翰·迪尔 John Diehl 饰),对于十八岁的拉娜来说,这趟旅程有着特殊的意义,它意味着拉娜必须抛弃过往的自己,向着更好更富有的新生活发起挑战,然而现实真的能够如同拉娜设想的一般美好吗?   保罗是一名退役老兵,但在他的内心里,保家卫国依旧是他生命中的重中之重,即便深受战争后遗症的折磨和困扰,他对国家的忠心耿耿也没有半分的改变,即便这样的忠心并没有为他带来任何好运。就这样,在偌大的天使之城中,两个内心孤独的人相遇了,拉娜开始了和保罗在一起的生活。 The American daughter of missionaries Lana returns to Los Angeles from Palestine to work in a mission helping homeless people. Lana was born in Ohio and raised in South Africa and Middle East, and she is an authentic citizen of the world, connected through Internet and aware of how other people see the lack of culture and knowledge and exaggerated patriotism of average American people. Her unique relative is her unknown uncle Paul, a veteran of Vietnam War that cut relationships with his family and is bigot and paranoid. Paul lives in a surveillance van, lives as if he were a secret agent, sees conspiracy and terrorist cells everywhere, and has a great prejudice against Arabs and other non-American breeds after the September, 11th. They meet each other, and when they see the murder of a poor Pakistanis nearby the mission, they travel together to the small town of Trone to deliver his corpse to the family, where Paul sees a different reality. 来拍影视为您提供2004年由米歇尔·威廉姆斯,约翰·迪尔,肖恩·托布,维德尔·皮尔斯主演,维姆·文德斯导演的《迷失天使城》/原名《Land of Plenty》/又名《丰饶之地 / 富足之地 / 谜失天使城》剧情电影在线观看完整版,《迷失天使城》百度云网盘资源以及《迷失天使城》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《迷失天使城》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

